Peer Bill of Rights


  • Every Peer has the right to make informed decisions about our health, including what we put into OUR BODIES.  All Peers should be treated fairly, without being judged for our past or present choices.  Personal biases should not be displayed through expressions, language, gestures or any other form of disrespect toward any Peer for any reason.

  • Every Peer has the right to be informed about decisions that may affect our ability to receive or provide services in our community.

  • Every Peer has the right to be included in the process of making decisions about POLICY and ADVOCACY efforts that impact Peers.

  • Every Peer has the right to be supported in fighting the fear, shame, and stigma that keeps us from participating in our communities and from accessing health services.

  • Every Peer has the right to be treated as equals, in a non-judgmental manner, and respected for our expertise and professionalism in addressing: drug use, sex work, HIV/HCV, Overdose Prevention, and other health issues, along with the social and human rights issues that affect our lives and the lives of those in the communities we serve.

  • Every Peer has the right to be treated with respect in all partnership arrangements with government and all other organizations or agencies.

  • Every Peer has the right to be recognized for the work that we do, in addressing the issues affecting current and former drug users and sex workers.

  • Every Peer has the right to equitable compensation and healthy working conditions, in accordance with all State and Federal employment laws.

  • Every qualified Peer has the right to be considered first when new jobs open up at our agencies.

  • Every Peer has the right to be supported in developing our skills and knowledge so we can become better harm reduction educators and advocates, and eventually lead and run professional organizations.

  • Every Peer has the right to organize, and be governed by peer-driven policies that follow harm reduction principles.

  • Every Peer has the right to be recognized as valid and valued assets in our field.